
MORINGA (Malunggay Philippines)

This hard-bound book is about one of the most important multi-function plants in the world. Some nutritional experts and scientists are even of the opinion that the Moringa plant is probably the most nutritious food plant ever studied or discovered thus far. The leaves of the Moringa were recently identified by the World Vegetable Center in Taiwan as the vegetable with the highest nutritional content among 120 types of food species studied.

This book is the first hard-bound, full-color, comprehensive reference guidebook on the Moringa plant and the numerous Moringa by-products that are created and marketed worldwide. The book is filled with more than 750 vibrant color photographs and features Moringa-based products from food, cosmetics, medicinal and industrial uses.

Moringa is an inspiring source book of information to plant lovers, researchers, nutritionists, natural scientists, herbologists, naturopaths, entrepreneurs and healthcare workers. Those who are interested in the study and application of beneficial trees and plants will find interesting insights on the nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical uses of the various parts of the Moringa tree. It is envisioned that through this book government policy makers will be encouraged to promote a more creative development of the Moringa industry.

Price: $95.00

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Rare Phantom Miracle Tree 10 Seeds-Moringa-Houseplant

The Phantom Miracle Tree (Moringa oleifera) gets it's name from the fact that when older it forms an enlarged base and can withstand periods of drought by dropping its leaves. When this happens it looks like a "Phantom". Others call it a Miracle Tree because all parts of the plant can be eaten!


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Miracle Tree

The "Miracle Tree" was written by Dr. Monica Marcu, Pharm.D., and Ph.D. as a result of her study of medicinal plants and her definitive research of one of our greatest trees, the Moringa oleifera. This book defines the hundreds of substances such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fats, minerals, specific phytochemicals, each with clear importance and numerous applications in healing and nutrition.


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Moringaceae: Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina (French Edition)

Moringaceae: Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina (French Edition)Les achats comprennent une adhésion à l'essai gratuite au club de livres de l'éditeur, dans lequel vous pouvez choisir parmi plus d'un million d'ouvrages, sans frais. Le livre consiste d'articles Wikipedia sur : Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina, Moringa Ruspoliana, Moringa Ovalifolia, Moringa Rivae, Moringa Longituba, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Borziana, Moringa Pygmaea. Non illustré. Mises à jour gratuites en ligne. Extrait : Moringa oleifera, souvent appelée simplement moringa, est une espèce de petit arbre pouvant mesurer jusqu'à 10 m de la famille des Moringaceae. Elle est originaire du nord de l'Inde et est maintenant acclimatée dans presque toutes les régions tropicales, elle résiste bien à la sécheresse et a une croissance rapide. « Moringa » vient du malayalam muringa (???????). La plupart des langues utilisent un dérivé phonétique de ce mot pour désigner la plante. Ci dessous, il est entendu que le mot moringa se rapporte à l'espèce Moringa oleifera sauf précision contraire. La tradition indienne de l'ayurveda indiquait que les feuilles du Moringa guérissaient plus de 300 maladies. En Inde, le Moringa est une plante vivrière cultivée pour ses fruits, qui sont mangés cuits et exportés frais ou en conserve. Au Sahel, les feuilles de Moringa oleifera sont consommées comme légume et celles de Moringa stenopetala constituent le repas de base du peuple Konso en Éthiopie. Des analyses nutritionnelles ont montré que les feuilles de Moringa oleifera sont plus riches en vitamines, minéraux et protéines que la plupart des légumes. Elles peuvent constituer un aliment complet puisqu'elles contiennent deux fois plus de protéines et de calcium que le lait, autant de potassium que la banane, autant de vitamine A que la carotte, autant de fer que la viande de bœuf ou les lentilles et deux fois plus de vitamine C qu'une orange. Beaucoup de pr...

Price: $14.14

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THE USE OF MORINGA OLEIFERA SEED FOR WATER PURIFICATION: WATER PURIFICATION USING MORINGA OLEIFERAChapters: Almond, Coconut, Phoenix Dactylifera, Justicia Brandegeeana, Apricot, Datura Stramonium, Juglans Regia, Moringa Oleifera, Taxus Baccata, Ziziphus Mauritiana, Bitter Melon, Common Fig, Nerium Oleander, Rhodiola Rosea, Prosopis Cineraria, Phyllanthus Emblica, Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis, Lythrum Salicaria, Echinochloa Crus-Galli, Millettia Pinnata, Echinochloa Colona, Acacia Nilotica, Imperata Cylindrica, Saussurea, Watercress, Cedrus Deodara, Hyoscyamus Niger, Platanus Orientalis, Solanum Dulcamara, Morus Alba, Trema Orientalis, Chir Pine, Borassus Flabellifer, Butea Monosperma, Cestrum Nocturnum, Panicum Antidotale, Toona Ciliata, Dactylis, Cordia Myxa, Galega Officinalis, Althaea Officinalis, Sacred Fig, Commiphora Wightii, Abrus Precatorius, Mallotus Philippensis, Himalayan Balsam, Chilades Trochylus, Rhododendron Ponticum, Dalbergia Sissoo, Capparis Decidua, Abutilon Indicum, Jasminum Sambac, Justicia Adhatoda, Abutilon Theophrasti, Tamarix Aphylla, Vann, Malva Neglecta, Galium Verum, Juniperus Squamata, Lamium Album, Hygrophila Polysperma, Calligonum Polygonoides, Viola Betonicifolia, Convolvulus Arvensis, Pinus Wallichiana, Buddleja Crispa, Melilotus Indicus, Quisqualis Indica, Grewia Asiatica, Hemidesmus Indicus, Cirsium Vulgare, Mock Strawberry, Barleria Cristata, Schrenk's Spruce, Solidago Virgaurea, Phoenix Sylvestris, Taxus Wallichiana, Barringtonia Acutangula, Abies Pindrow, Wildlife of the Indian Subcontinent, Nannorrhops, Ampelocissus Latifolia, Nepeta Discolor, Black Iris, Abelmoschus Manihot, Parapholis Incurva, Morinda Spruce, Eurasian Smoketree, Abelia X Grandiflora, Eragrostis Amabilis, Phalaris Minor, Bidens Tripartita, Thlaspi Arvense, Utricularia Aurea, Wood Small-Reed, Leycesteria Formosa, Crateva Religiosa, Juniperus Indica, Glaux, Leptadenia Pyrotechnica, Grewia Villosa, Anogeissus Latifolia, Nymphoides Cristata, Balanites Roxburghii, Lithospermum Arvense, Strobilanthes Wallichii, Morus Serrata,...More:

Price: $84.00

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Moringa oleifera - Versatile 'MIRACLE TREE' 50 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds.This item is a special hobby grower's packet of fifty (50) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $3.95 postage & handling.


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Moringa oleifera - Collector's Packet 100 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds. This item is a special plant collector's packet of one hundred (100) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $4.95 postage & handling.


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Moringa: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Arborea

Moringa: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa ArboreaChapters: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Arborea. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 27. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai( ) and Malayalam: Murunggi), is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is considered one of the worlds most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics, it is used as forage for livestock, and in many countries, Moringa is used as a micronutrient powder to treat diseases. A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable landcare. The immature green pods called drumsticks are prob...More:

Price: $14.14

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Anti-fungal activity of crude extracts and essential oil of Moringa oleifera Lam [An article from: Bioresource Technology]

Anti-fungal activity of crude extracts and essential oil of Moringa oleifera Lam [An article from: Bioresource Technology]This digital document is a journal article from Bioresource Technology, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Investigations were carried out to evaluate the therapeutic properties of the seeds and leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam as herbal medicines. Ethanol extracts showed anti-fungal activities in vitro against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, and Microsporum canis. GC-MS analysis of the chemical composition of the essential oil from leaves showed a total of 44 compounds. Isolated extracts could be of use for the future development of anti-skin disease agents.

Price: $4.95

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I'm Olie! The Moringa Oleifera Tree

Meet Olie, the Moringa Oleifera Tree, and join her as she shows and explains the wonder and benefits of the amazing, the miraculous, the Moringa Tree. This beautiful, full color, hard back book is a wonderful way to educate the children as well as the adults. Olie will surprise you and warm your heart as you read about Moringa. She also includes a delicious shake recipe and a free coupon for a Moringa Seed to get you started!

Price: $16.99

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Moringa Tea - 100% Unblended (Hi-Potency) African Grown

Moringa Tea - 100% Unblended (Hi-Potency) African GrownThis is Nutritional, Sustainable Super Food. Used as an Energy Booster & Helps Sleeping Problems. After Brewing open bag and add contents to any food, salad, drink or soup because tea contents still have minerals in them.


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Sorption potential of Moringa oleifera pods for the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solutions [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]

Sorption potential of Moringa oleifera pods for the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solutions [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]This digital document is a journal article from Journal of Hazardous Materials, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Moringa oleifera pods Lamarck (Drumstick or Horseradish) is a multipurpose medium or small size tree from sub-Himalayan regions of north-west India and indigenous to many parts of Asia, Africa, South America, and in the Pacific and Caribbean Islands. Its pods (MOP) have been employed as an inexpensive and effective sorbent for the removal of organics, i.e., benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and cumene (BTEC) from aqueous solutions using HPLC method. Effect of different parameters, i.e., sorbent dose 0.05-0.8g, 25cm^-^3 agitation time 5-120min, pH 1-10, temperature 283-308K and concentration of sorbate (1.3-13)x10^-^3, (1.1-11)x10^-^3, (0.9-9)x10^-^3, (0.8-8)x10^-^3moldm^-^3, on the sorption potential of MOP for BTEC have been investigated. The pore area and average pore diameter of the MOP by BET method using nitrogen as a standard are calculated to be 28.06+/-0.8m^2g^-^1 and 86.2+/-1.3nm respectively. Freundlich, Langumir and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) sorption isotherms were employed to evaluate the sorption capacity of MOP. Sorption capacities of BTEC onto MOP have been found to be 46+/-10, 84+/-9, 101+/-4, 106+/-32mmolg^-^1 by Freundlich, 8+/-0.1, 9+/-0.1, 10+/-0.3, 9+/-0.1mmolg^-^1 by Langumir and 15+/-1, 21+/-1, 23+/-2, 22+/-3mmolg^-^1 by D-R isotherms respectively, from BTEC solutions at 303K. While the mean energy of sorption process 9.6+/-0.3, 9.2+/-0.2, 9.3+/-0.3, 9.5+/-0.4kJmol^-^1 for BTEC is calculated by D-R isotherm only. Rate constant of BTEC onto MOP 0.033+/-0.003, 0.030+/-0.002, 0.029+/-0.002, 0.027+/-0.002min^-^1 at solution concentration of 1.3x10^-^3, 1.1x10^-^3, 0.9x10^-^3 and 0.8x10^-^3moldm^-^3 and at 303K have been calculated by employing Lagergren equation. Thermodynamic parameters @DH -8+/-0.4, -10+/-0.6, -11+/-0.7, -11+/-0.7kJmol^-^1, @DS -22+/-2, -26+/-2, -27+/-2, -29+/-3Jmol^-^1K^-^1 and @DG"3"0"3"K -0.9+/-0.2, -1.9+/-0.2, -2.3+/-0.1 and -2.6+/-0.2kJmol^-^1 were also estimated for BTEC respectively at temperatures 283-308K. The negative values of @DH, @DS and @DG suggest exothermic, stable (with no structural changes at solid-liquid interface) and spontaneous nature of sorption process under optimized conditions. MOP has been used extensively to accrue and then to preconcentrate benzene, toluene and ethylbenzene in wastewater sample.

Price: $10.95

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Species Described in 1785: Animals Described in 1785, Plants Described in 1785, Moringa Oleifera, Potamon Fluviatile, Thymus Pannonicus

Species Described in 1785: Animals Described in 1785, Plants Described in 1785, Moringa Oleifera, Potamon Fluviatile, Thymus PannonicusPurchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Animals Described in 1785, Plants Described in 1785, Moringa Oleifera, Potamon Fluviatile, Thymus Pannonicus, Etisus Dentatus. Excerpt: Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai( ) and Malayalam: Murunggi), is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is considered one of the worlds most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics, it is used as forage for livestock, and in many countries, Moringa is used as a micronutrient powder to treat diseases. A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable landcare. The immature green pods called ... More:

Price: $14.14

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The miracle tree: Moringa oleifera, natural nutrition for the tropics

This digital document is an article from Ahfad Journal, published by Ahfad University for Women on December 1, 2007. The length of the article is 1794 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Nutritional evaluation of Moringa Oleifera leaves and extract.(Report)
Author: Abd Elmoneim Osman Elkhalifa
Publication: Ahfad Journal (Magazine/Journal)
Date: December 1, 2007
Publisher: Ahfad University for Women
Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Page: 113(10)

Article Type: Report

Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning


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Effects of storage conditions of Moringa oleifera seeds on its performance in coagulation [An article from: Bioresource Technology]

Effects of storage conditions of Moringa oleifera seeds on its performance in coagulation [An article from: Bioresource Technology]This digital document is a journal article from Bioresource Technology, published by Elsevier in 2006. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Moringa oleifera is a plant whose seeds have coagulation properties for treating water and wastewater. In this study the coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera kept in different storage conditions were studied. The Moringa oleifera seeds were stored at different conditions and durations; open container and closed container at room temperature (28^oC) and refrigerator (3^oC) for durations of 1, 3 and 5months. Comparison between turbidity removal efficiency of Moringa oleifera kept in refrigerator and room temperature revealed that there was no significant difference between them. The Moringa oleifera kept in refrigerator and room temperature for one month showed higher turbidity removal efficiency, compared to those kept for 3 and 5months, at both containers. The coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera was found to be dependent on initial turbidity of water samples. Highest turbidity removals were obtained for water with very high initial turbidity. In summary coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera was found independent of storage temperature and container, however coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera decreased as storage duration increased. In addition, Moringa oleifera can be used as a potential coagulant especially for very high turbidity water.

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Sorption of lead from aqueous solution by chemically modified carbon adsorbents [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]

Sorption of lead from aqueous solution by chemically modified carbon adsorbents [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]This digital document is a journal article from Journal of Hazardous Materials, published by Elsevier in 2006. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

An indigenously prepared, steam activated and chemically modified carbon from husk and pods of Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera), an agricultural waste, was comparatively examined as an adsorbent for the removal of lead from aqueous solutions. Studies were conducted as a function of contact time, initial metal concentration, dose of adsorbent, agitation speed, particle size and pH. Maximum uptake capacities were found to be, 98.89, 96.58, 91.8, 88.63, 79.43% for cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), phosphoric, sulfuric, hydrochloric acid treated and untreated carbon adsorbents, respectively. Bangham, pseudo-first- and second-order, intra-particle diffusion equations were implemented to express the sorption mechanism by utilized adsorbents. Adsorption rate of lead ions was found to be considerably faster for chemically modified adsorbents than unmodified. The results of adsorption were fitted to both the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Satisfactory agreement between the metal uptake capacities by the adsorbents at different time intervals was expressed by the correlation coefficient (R^2). The Langmuir model represented the sorption process better than the Freundlich one, with R^2 values ranging from 0.994 to 0.998.

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Moringa oleifera - Versatile 'MIRACLE TREE' 30 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds.This item is a special hobby grower's packet of thirty (30) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $3.95 postage & handling.


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Trees of India: Moringa Oleifera, Ziziphus Mauritiana, List of Indian Timber Trees, Prosopis Cineraria, Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis

Trees of India: Moringa Oleifera, Ziziphus Mauritiana, List of Indian Timber Trees, Prosopis Cineraria, Nyctanthes Arbor-TristisChapters: Moringa Oleifera, Ziziphus Mauritiana, List of Indian Timber Trees, Prosopis Cineraria, Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis, Acacia Nilotica, Melia Azedarach, Ashoka Tree, Ulmus Wallichiana, Madhuca Longifolia, Trema Orientalis, Avicennia Marina, Borassus Flabellifer, Acacia Maidenii, Toona Ciliata, Cordia Myxa, Shorea Robusta, Ficus Benjamina, Cordia Subcordata, Erythrina Fusca, Alstonia Scholaris, Tsuga Dumosa, Ulmus Villosa, Tecomella Undulata, Cerbera Odollam, Intsia Bijuga, Tetrameles Nudiflora, Butea Superba, Ailanthus Triphysa, Taxus Sumatrana, Millingtonia, Balanites Roxburghii, Diospyros Melanoxylon, Taxus Kingstonii, Dodda Alada Mara, Hopea Shingkeng, Callicarpa Lanata. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 161. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai( ) and Malayalam: Murunggi), is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and Sou...More:

Price: $24.95

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Moringa oleifera: A perfect tree for home gardens (Agroforestry species highlights)

Purchase includes free access to book updates online and a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Animals Described in 1785, Plants Described in 1785, Moringa Oleifera, Potamon Fluviatile, Thymus Pannonicus, Etisus Dentatus. Excerpt: Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai( ) and Malayalam: Murunggi), is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is considered one of the worlds most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics, it is used as forage for livestock, and in many countries, Moringa is used as a micronutrient powder to treat diseases. A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable landcare. The immature green pods called ... More:


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Gender analysis of socio-cultural perception of Moringa Oleifera amongst farmers in Southwestern Nigeria.(Report): An article from: Journal of International Women's Studies

This digital document is an article from Journal of International Women's Studies, published by Bridgewater State College on May 1, 2009. The length of the article is 6668 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Gender analysis of socio-cultural perception of Moringa Oleifera amongst farmers in Southwestern Nigeria.(Report)
Author: Dixon. O. Torimiro
Publication: Journal of International Women's Studies (Magazine/Journal)
Date: May 1, 2009
Publisher: Bridgewater State College
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Page: 188(15)

Article Type: Report

Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning

Price: $9.95

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Moringa oleifera - Versatile 'MIRACLE TREE' 50 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds.This item is a special hobby grower's packet of fifty (50) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $3.95 postage & handling.


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Moringa: Nature's Medicine Cabinet

Moringa: Nature's Medicine CabinetMoringa is a remarkable herb which provides exceptionally well-balanced nutrition and health benefits. Known and used all over the world, it only recently arrived in the United States. Moringa seems to produce the boost in energy, nutrition and health many people are seeking. This book presents Moringa's nutritional content, medicinal properties, where to get it, the best way to grow it, and how to prepare Moringa for best results.

Price: $9.95

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Drumstick tree seed packet

Drumstick tree seed packetThis is the new hybrid variety of Drumstick PKM1. The pods and leaves are used in Indian dishes such as sambar and avial. In most of the U.S., it can be raised as a container plant, and will start producing pods by the second or third year. In Florida, it can be grown outdoors south of Fort Myers as well as in Arizona and Southern California.. Nutritionally, the leaves are rich in Vitamin C , Vitamin A, calcium, protein and potassium. The bark of the tree has been used to treat abdominal discomfort, boils, cold, rheumatism and scorpion bites, while the leaves have been found effective for the treatment of hypertension and conjunctivitis.


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Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleiferaMoringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as Moringa from Tamil,Muringa and Malayalam,Murunggi, is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach.The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia,Indonesia and the Philippines.

Price: $50.00

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Flora of Pakistan: Almond, Coconut, Phoenix Dactylifera, Justicia Brandegeeana, Apricot, Datura Stramonium, Juglans Regia, Moringa Oleifera

Flora of Pakistan: Almond, Coconut, Phoenix Dactylifera, Justicia Brandegeeana, Apricot, Datura Stramonium, Juglans Regia, Moringa OleiferaChapters: Almond, Coconut, Phoenix Dactylifera, Justicia Brandegeeana, Apricot, Datura Stramonium, Juglans Regia, Moringa Oleifera, Taxus Baccata, Ziziphus Mauritiana, Bitter Melon, Common Fig, Nerium Oleander, Rhodiola Rosea, Prosopis Cineraria, Phyllanthus Emblica, Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis, Lythrum Salicaria, Echinochloa Crus-Galli, Millettia Pinnata, Echinochloa Colona, Acacia Nilotica, Imperata Cylindrica, Saussurea, Watercress, Cedrus Deodara, Hyoscyamus Niger, Platanus Orientalis, Solanum Dulcamara, Morus Alba, Trema Orientalis, Chir Pine, Borassus Flabellifer, Butea Monosperma, Cestrum Nocturnum, Panicum Antidotale, Toona Ciliata, Dactylis, Cordia Myxa, Galega Officinalis, Althaea Officinalis, Sacred Fig, Commiphora Wightii, Abrus Precatorius, Mallotus Philippensis, Himalayan Balsam, Chilades Trochylus, Rhododendron Ponticum, Dalbergia Sissoo, Capparis Decidua, Abutilon Indicum, Jasminum Sambac, Justicia Adhatoda, Abutilon Theophrasti, Tamarix Aphylla, Vann, Malva Neglecta, Galium Verum, Juniperus Squamata, Lamium Album, Hygrophila Polysperma, Calligonum Polygonoides, Viola Betonicifolia, Convolvulus Arvensis, Pinus Wallichiana, Buddleja Crispa, Melilotus Indicus, Quisqualis Indica, Grewia Asiatica, Hemidesmus Indicus, Cirsium Vulgare, Mock Strawberry, Barleria Cristata, Schrenk's Spruce, Solidago Virgaurea, Phoenix Sylvestris, Taxus Wallichiana, Barringtonia Acutangula, Abies Pindrow, Wildlife of the Indian Subcontinent, Nannorrhops, Ampelocissus Latifolia, Nepeta Discolor, Black Iris, Abelmoschus Manihot, Parapholis Incurva, Morinda Spruce, Eurasian Smoketree, Abelia X Grandiflora, Eragrostis Amabilis, Phalaris Minor, Bidens Tripartita, Thlaspi Arvense, Utricularia Aurea, Wood Small-Reed, Leycesteria Formosa, Crateva Religiosa, Juniperus Indica, Glaux, Leptadenia Pyrotechnica, Grewia Villosa, Anogeissus Latifolia, Nymphoides Cristata, Balanites Roxburghii, Lithospermum Arvense, Strobilanthes Wallichii, Morus Serrata,...More:

Price: $47.05

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Innovative physico-chemical treatment of wastewater incorporating Moringa oleifera seed coagulant [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]

Innovative physico-chemical treatment of wastewater incorporating Moringa oleifera seed coagulant [An article from: Journal of Hazardous Materials]This digital document is a journal article from Journal of Hazardous Materials, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Moringa oleifera is a pan tropical, multipurpose tree whose seeds contain a high quality edible oil (up to 40% by weight) and water soluble proteins that act as effective coagulants for water and wastewater treatment. The use of this natural coagulant material has not yet realised its potential. A water extract of M. oleifera seed was applied to a wastewater treatment sequence comprising coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-sand filtration. The study was laboratory based using an actual wastewater. Overall COD removals of 50% were achieved at both 50 and 100mg/l M. oleifera doses. When 50 and 100mg/l seed doses were applied in combination with 10mg/l of alum, COD removal increased to 58 and 64%, respectively. The majority of COD removal occurred during the filtration process. In the tests incorporating alum, sludge generation and filter head loss increased by factors of 3 and 2, respectively. These encouraging treatment results indicate that this may be the first treatment application that can move to large scale adoption. The simple water extract may be obtained at minimal cost from the presscake residue remaining after oil extraction from the seed. The regulatory compliance issues of adopting 'new materials' for wastewater treatment are significantly less stringent than those applying to the production of potable water.

Price: $10.95

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Moringa oleifera - Collector's Packet 100 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds. This item is a special plant collector's packet of one hundred (100) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $4.95 postage & handling.


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Nutritional evaluation of Moringa Oleifera leaves and extract.(Report): An article from: Ahfad Journal

This digital document is an article from Ahfad Journal, published by Ahfad University for Women on December 1, 2007. The length of the article is 1794 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Nutritional evaluation of Moringa Oleifera leaves and extract.(Report)
Author: Abd Elmoneim Osman Elkhalifa
Publication: Ahfad Journal (Magazine/Journal)
Date: December 1, 2007
Publisher: Ahfad University for Women
Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Page: 113(10)

Article Type: Report

Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning

Price: $9.95

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Detrimental effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) combined with other agricultural wastes as substrates for the red worm (Eisenia spp.)/Efecto perjudicial ... An article from: Interciencia

This digital document is an article from Interciencia, published by Thomson Gale on November 1, 2007. The length of the article is 6601 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: Detrimental effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) combined with other agricultural wastes as substrates for the red worm (Eisenia spp.)/Efecto perjudicial de Moringa oleifera (Lam.) combinada con otros desechos agricolas como sustratos para la lombriz roja (Eisenia spp.)/Efeito prejudicial da Moringa oleifera (Lam.) combinou com outro desperdicio agricultural como carcacas para o sem-fim vermelhos (Eisenia spp.).(REPORTS/COMUNICACIONES/COMUNICACOES)
Author: Luis Jose Cova
Publication: Interciencia (Magazine/Journal)
Date: November 1, 2007
Publisher: Thomson Gale
Volume: 32 Issue: 11 Page: 769(6)

Distributed by Thomson Gale

Price: $9.95

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Moringa oleifera - Versatile 'MIRACLE TREE' 30 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds.This item is a special hobby grower's packet of thirty (30) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $3.95 postage & handling.


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Ternary biosorption studies of Cd(II), Cr(III) and Ni(II) on shelled Moringa oleifera seeds [An article from: Bioresource Technology]

Ternary biosorption studies of Cd(II), Cr(III) and Ni(II) on shelled Moringa oleifera seeds [An article from: Bioresource Technology]This digital document is a journal article from Bioresource Technology, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Competitive biosorption of Cd(II), Cr(III) and Ni(II) on unmodified shelled Moringa oleifera seeds (SMOS) present in ternary mixture were compared with the single metal solution. The extent of adsorption capacity of the ternary metal ions tested on unmodified SMOS was low (10-20%) as compared to single metal ions. SMOS removed the target metal ions in the selectivity order of Cd(II)>Cr(III)>Ni(II). Sorption equilibria, calculated from adsorption data, explained favorable performance of biosorption system. Regeneration of exhausted biomass was also attempted for several cycles with a view to restore the sorbent to its original state.

Price: $4.95

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Moringa Super Herb 120 Capsule 100% Natural Dietary Supplements All Nutrition You Need in One Bottle

Moringa Super Herb 120 Capsule 100% Natural Dietary Supplements All Nutrition You Need in One BottleMoringa Super Herb is made out of 100% Moringa Oleifera leaves. Moringa is the next super food that packs more than 90 nutrients in the form of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial compounds. That is why a number of scientists call Moringa "the most nutrient-rich plant ever discovered." Moringa has VITAMIN C 7 times more than oragnges, VITAMIN A 4 times more than carrots, VITAMIN B 4 servings more than pork, VITAMIN E 4 servings more than black sesame, CALCIUM 4 servings more than milk, PROTEIN 2 servings more than yogurt, POTASSIUM 3 times more than bananas, ZINC 2 times more than oysters, GABA 30 servings more than brown rice, and POLYPHENOL 8 servings more than red wine.

Price: $35.00

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Moringa Powder 1lb/16oz. (Hi-Potency) African Grown

Moringa Powder 1lb/16oz. (Hi-Potency) African GrownMoringa Leaf powder is carefully picked and prepared to preserve the valuable nutrients. The leaves nourish the body with essential micro and macro minerals and vitamins, complete amino acid, chlorophyll, antioxidants and other rare nutrients lacking in our daily diet plus anti-aging properties.
The health benefits are rapid improvements in: natural occuring energy and endurance, mental clarity, lowering blood sugar levels for Diabetes. Helps lower bloood pressurre, balances hormones, immune booster, constipation, diuretic, anemia, skin problems, eyesight and sleep aid. Enjoy overall well being.


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Organic Moringa Powder, Malungayy - 0.5 Pounds(lbs) 100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Control Blood Glucose and Hormone Level)

Organic Moringa Powder, Malungayy - 0.5 Pounds(lbs) 100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Control Blood Glucose and Hormone Level)100% Pure Moringa Leaf Powder.

Price: $15.00

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Natur Moringa Oleifera Shampoo for Damaged Hair

Natur Moringa Oleifera Shampoo for Damaged HairIndonesian Jamu standard Herbal Shampoo which supply nutrition to the damaged hair and make them restored, healthier and beautiful. It was manufactured world best recipes to Indonesian Javanese herbal standard.

Price: $75.00

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Organic Moringa Powder / Malungayy - 120 Veg Capsule (100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Reduce Blood Glucose Level)

Organic Moringa Powder / Malungayy - 120 Veg Capsule (100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Reduce Blood Glucose Level)Moringa, commonly known as the "Elixir Tree" is considered to be the most nutrient plant ever known to mankind. Our body requires more than 40 basic nutrients in our daily food intake and preferably in natural sources. Moringa by nature has more than 90 different nutrients that our body can absorb and keep us healthy. The Leaves, Flowers, Vegetables (Drum Stick), Seeds of the moringa trees are commonly used in human life.
The main source from Moringa are as follows

Vitamins: Moringa has Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K. Vitamin A is most needed by the body to maintain a perfect vision and to maintain the cardiovascular health. Vitamin The calcium taken by the body works well only in the presence of Vitamin D

Minerals: Moringa is abundant in minerals and few of the main minerals includes Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body. Moringa is the richest source of Calcium from a plant material and Moringa has 17 times more Calcium than that of milk. Moringa, with 25 times more Iron than that of Spinach, helps in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Moringa with 15 times the potassium in Banana, assists in the regulation of the acid-base and water balance in the blood and the body tissues.

Antioxidants: Moringa has approximately 46 antioxidants and is one of the most powerful sources of natural anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants supply the free atoms needed by the human body and mitigate the effect of free radicals. Moringa leaves are rich in Falconoid, a class of anti-oxidants. The major anti-oxidants present are Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin.


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Organic Moringa Powder / Malungayy - 0.5 Pounds(lbs) (100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Reduce Blood Glucose Level)

Organic Moringa Powder / Malungayy - 0.5 Pounds(lbs) (100 % Natural with High Fiber, Calcium and Vitamins. Good for Sexual Health, Breast Feeding Mom's. Helps to Reduce Blood Glucose Level)Moringa, commonly known as the Elixir Tree is considered to be the most nutrient plant ever known to mankind. Our body requires more than 40 basic nutrients in our daily food intake and preferably in natural sources. Moringa by nature has more than 90 different nutrients that our body can absorb and keep us healthy. The Leaves, Flowers, Vegetables (Drum Stick), Seeds of the moringa trees are commonly used in human life.
The main source from Moringa are as follows

Vitamins: Moringa has Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K. Vitamin A is most needed by the body to maintain a perfect vision and to maintain the cardiovascular health. Vitamin The calcium taken by the body works well only in the presence of Vitamin D

Minerals: Moringa is abundant in minerals and few of the main minerals includes Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body. Moringa is the richest source of Calcium from a plant material and Moringa has 17 times more Calcium than that of milk. Moringa, with 25 times more Iron than that of Spinach, helps in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Moringa with 15 times the potassium in Banana, assists in the regulation of the acid-base and water balance in the blood and the body tissues.

Antioxidants: Moringa has approximately 46 antioxidants and is one of the most powerful sources of natural anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants supply the free atoms needed by the human body and mitigate the effect of free radicals. Moringa leaves are rich in Falconoid, a class of anti-oxidants. The major anti-oxidants present are Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin.


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Organic Moringa, 120 Vegetarian Capsules (Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa Fruit Powder) 100% Natural Nutritional Supplement (Help Reducing Blood Sugar Level, good source of calcium etc.)

Organic Moringa, 120 Vegetarian Capsules (Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa Fruit Powder) 100% Natural Nutritional Supplement (Help Reducing Blood Sugar Level, good source of calcium etc.)Organic Moringa is made from Moringa. Moringa leaves contain almost all the nutrients required for perfect health. One of the few plants on earth that contain all the essential amino acids required for human protein synthesis. One of nature's richest sources of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The perfect food for lactating mothers, vegetarians, vegans and anyone seeking an excellent source of high quality bio-chelated nutrients.


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Richest source of high efficiency natural vitamins and minerals for healthy glucose level,high Fiber,treats Over 300 diseases,antioxidants,natural Sexual health herb,good for seniors,increses sperm count 3x in 4 weeks, manufactured in USA

Richest source of high efficiency natural vitamins and minerals for healthy glucose level,high Fiber,treats Over 300 diseases,antioxidants,natural Sexual health herb,good for seniors,increses sperm count 3x in 4 weeks, manufactured in USAManufactured in USA in NSF cGMP certified Facility.
Moringa Oleifera also known as Miracle Moringa/Miracle Tree; is a true gift of nature. Provides, all natural and highly bioavailable minerals, protein, immune booster Six kinds of Antioxidants and sustains energy.

MoringaMax Capsules
Moringa Oleifera are cultivated with the utmost care and reverence to their purity in the foothills of the Pothikai Mountains of Tamil Nadu. In production process of Moringa Max, we have adapted the most advanced systems of encapsulation to bring you pure Moringa powder in capsule. Our proprietary process ensures maintenance of traditional Moringa potency blended with today's technology for quality and consistency. Single Moringa Max capsule brings you:

Are you encountering frequent constipation? You are not alone. Men and Woman in around the world has this problem. 28% of Doctors office visits are related to constipation. Try Moringa Max, you will be surprised by the ease and energy. Moringa Max can help Irritable Bowel Syndrome -IBS and IBD - as well. Moringa leaf Powder Provides absorbable natural calcium to build bones young and old.

Reproductive and Sexual Health Herb:
Increased semen production, and healthy sperm count increase chances of pregnancy, this is not horny goat weed. Bollywood workout needs ideal protein, and dealing with Chinese businessman is like dealing with your tired immune system, Moringa Capsules will perk you up to all these tasks.

Nurturing Nursing Mothers:
Increased Milk Production in Breast Feeding Mothers, who are the life force of earth and heavens.

Stress Depressant:
Facilitates stress reduction by nutrients.

Diabetes Nutrients:
Type 2 diabetes condition which can be controlled by diet may benefit from Moringa Max supplement rich in Antioxidants.

Price: $30.99

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Moringa Powder 8oz. (Hi-Potency) African Grown

Moringa Powder 8oz. (Hi-Potency) African GrownMoringa Leaf powder is carefully picked and prepared to preserve the valuable nutrients. The leaves nourish the body with essential micro and macro minerals and vitamins, complete amino acid, chlorophyll, antioxidants and other rare nutrients lacking in our daily diet plus anti-aging properties.
The health benefits are rapid improvements in: natural occuring energy and endurance, mental clarity, lowering blood sugar levels for Diabetes. Helps lower bloood pressurre, balances hormones, immune booster, constipation, diuretic, anemia, skin problems, eyesight and sleep aid. Enjoy overall well being.


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Moringa Super Herb 120 Capsule 100% Natural Dietary Supplements All Nutrition You Need in One Bottle

Moringa Super Herb 120 Capsule 100% Natural Dietary Supplements All Nutrition You Need in One BottleMoringa Super Herb is made out of 100% Moringa Oleifera leaves. Moringa is the next super food that packs more than 90 nutrients in the form of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial compounds. That is why a number of scientists call Moringa "the most nutrient-rich plant ever discovered." Moringa has VITAMIN C 7 times more than oragnges, VITAMIN A 4 times more than carrots, VITAMIN B 4 servings more than pork, VITAMIN E 4 servings more than black sesame, CALCIUM 4 servings more than milk, PROTEIN 2 servings more than yogurt, POTASSIUM 3 times more than bananas, ZINC 2 times more than oysters, GABA 30 servings more than brown rice, and POLYPHENOL 8 servings more than red wine.

Price: $35.00

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Daun Kelor : Si Kecil yang Besar Manfaatnya

Dunia tak selebar daun kelor, seringkali kita mendengar pepatah yang satu ini. Maksudnya adalah bahwa dunia ini amatlah sempit, bahkan tak cukup lebih besar daripada daun kelor yang luasnya kira-kira hanya seluas kuku orang dewasa saja. Daun kelor memanglah kecil, namun dalam satu tangkai biasanya daunnya berkelompok dan terlihat rimbun. Daun ini sudah lama dikenal nenek moyang kita. Orang Madura menyebutnya sebagai Maronggih, Di daerah Sunda dan Melayu ia disebut kelor, di Aceh ia disebut murong, orang Ternate mengenalnya sebagai kelo, di Sumba ia disebut kawona, sedangkan di ranah Minang ia dikenal dengan nama munggai.

Tumbuhan kelor ini berasa agak pahit, bersifat netral dan tentu saja tak beracun. Kulit akarnya mengandung minyak terbang. Biji tumbuhan kelor mengandung minyak ’behen’, dan terdapat myrosine, emulsine,alkaloida pahit tak beracun, serta vitamin A,B1,B2 dan C pada sel-sel tertentu. Efek farmakologis yang dimiliki oleh kelor adalah anti-inflamasi, anti-piretik dan antiskorbut.

Daun Kelor pada umumnya dimanfaatkan sebagai sayuran. Di daerah asal saya Madura, ia biasa digunakan sebagai sayur berkuah sebagai teman makan siang. Saya suka sekali makan ditemani sayur yang saya kenal dengan nama Ghangan Maronggih (Sayur Kelor) ini, sebab selalu membangkitkan memori masa kecil dan tanah kelahiran saya. Namun Selain dimanfaatkan untuk sayuran, akar, daun serta bijinya juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengobati beberapa penyakit.

1. Kurap (herpes) dan luka bernanah
Tumbuklah daun kelor dengan kapur, lalu balurkan hasil tumbukan tadi pada luka/kurap.
2. Kurang nafsu makan, epilepsi, histeri, sariawan, sulit buang air kecil, badan lemah, sakit kuning, rematik serta pegal linu.
Rebus akar kelor sebanyak 1 jari dengan 2 gelas air sampai tersisa 1 gelas, lalu saring. Minum air rebusan dua kali sehari masing-masing ½ gelas.
3. Beri-beri dan udim
Giling akar kelor, akar pepaya, dan kulit lawang atau cengkih masing-masing 1 jari. Tambahkan air, peras, dan saring. Bagi air saringan menjadi 2 bagian yang sama. Minum air hasil saringan sebanyak 2 kali sehari.
4. Biduran dan alergi
Rebus 3 tangkai daun kelor, 1 siung bawang merah, serta adas dan pulasari secukupnya dalam 3 gelas air sampai tersisa 2 gelas. Saring lalu minm air rebusan dua kali sehari masing-masing satu gelas.
5. Rabun ayam
Tumbuk 3 tangkai daun kelor sampai halus, lalu seduh dengan 1 cangkir air masak dan saring. Tambahkan madu secukupnya pada air hasil saringan tadi, lalu adu k sampai merata. Minum sebelum tidur.
Sehelai Daun

Manfaat Kelor Sebagai Obat Tradisionil

Manfaat Kelor Sebagai Obat Tradisional MUNGKIN saja di antara kita ada yang belum mengenal kelor, meskipun tanaman ini sangat terkenal dalam pepatah ”Dunia ini tak selebar daun kelor!” Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera) dikenal dengan nama murong atau barunggai. Sementara itu, di Sulawesi disebut kero, wori, kelo , atau keloro.

Selain terkenal dalam kata pepatah itu, ternyata tanaman kelor ini bermanfaat dan berkhasiat sebagai obat tradisional, karena mengandung beberapa zat kimia untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. Daun kelor mengandung alkalid moringin, moringinan, dan pterigospermin.

Kemudian gom mengandung arabinosa, galaktan, asam glukonat , dan ramnosa, sedangkan bijinya mengandung asam palmitat, streaat, linoleat, olleat, lignoserat.

Kelor berupa pohon kecil dengan tingi 3-8 meter. Daunnya berwarna hijau pucat menyirip ganda dengan anak daun menyirip ganjil dan helaian daunnya bulat telur. Bunga kelor berupa malai yang keluar dari ketiak daun, sedangkan buahnya menggantung sepanjang 20-45 cm dan isinya sederetan biji bulat, tetapi bersayap tiga.

Selama ini, akar tanaman kelor berkhasiat sebagai peluruh air seni, peluruh dahak, atau obat batuk, peluruh haid, penambah nafsu makan, dan pereda kejang.

Daun kelor mengandung pterigospermin yang bersifat merangsang kulit (rubifasien) sehingga sering digunakan sebagai param yang menghangatkan dan mengobati kelemahan anggota tubuh seperti tangan atau kaki. Jika daun segarnya dilumatkan, lalu dibalurkan ke bagian tubuh yang lemah, maka bisa mengurangi rasa nyeri karena bersifat analgesik. Selain itu, daun kelor berkhasiat sebagai pelancar ASI (galata gog). Oleh karena itu, untuk melancarkan ASI, seorang ibu menyusui dianjurkan makan dan kelor yang disayur.

Biji kelor berkhasiat mengatasi muntah. Biji kelor yang masak dan kering mengandung pterigospermin yang lebih pekat sampai bersifat germisida.

Hasil penelitian Madsen dan Dchlundt serta Grabow dan kawan-kawan menunjukkan bahwa serbuk biji kelor mampu menumpas bakteri Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis dan Salmonella typymurium. Karena itu di Afrika, biji kelor dimanfaatkan untuk mendeteksi pencemaran air oleh bakteri-bakteri tadi. Caranya, yaitu dengan mengendapkan air keruh yang diduga tercemar, kemudian ditaburi serbuk biji kelor sebanyak 200 mg/liter dan diaduk sampai larut.

Kemudian buah kelor diketahui mengandung alkaloida morongiona yang bersifat merangsang pencernaan makanan. Buah kelor ini biasanya disayur asam sebagai sayur yang lezat bagi lidah orang Jawa.

Namun, di antara bagian tanaman kelor yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional adalah daunnya. Bahkan, masyarakat di pedesaan memanfaatkan daun kelor itu untuk sayur asam dan lalap seperti halnya daun katuk.

Daun kelor mentah yang digiling halus, kemudian dijadikan bedak atau campurkan dengan bedak, maka dapat menghilangkan noda hitam/flek/kokoloteun pada kulit wajah. (Rediem)***

Menjernihkan Air Dengan Biji Kelor

The Environmentalist. Penjernihan air dengan biji kelor (Moringa Oleifera) dapat dikatakan penjernihan air dengan bahan kimia, karena tumbukan halus biji kelor dapat menyebabkan terjadinya gumpalan (koagulan) pada kotoran yang terkandung dalam air. Cara penjernihan ini sangat mudah dan dapat digunakan di daerah pedesaan yang banyak tumbuh pohon kelor. Bentuk daun, bunga, dan buah kelor dapat dilihat pada Gambar.
  1. Kupas biji kelor dan bersihkan kulitnya.
  2. Biji yang sudah bersih dibungkus dengan kain, kemudian ditumbuk sampai halus betul. Penumbukan yang kurang halus dapat menyebabkan kurang sempurnanya proses penggumpalan.
  3. Campur tumbukkan biji kelor dengan air keruh dengan perbandingan 1 biji : 1 lt air keruh.
  4. Campur tumbukkan biji kelor dengan sedikit air sampai berbentuk pasta.
    Masukkan pasta biji kelor ke dalam air kemudian diaduk.
  5. Aduklah secara cepat 30 detik, dengan kecepatan 55-60 putaran/menit.
  6. Kemudian aduk lagi secara berlahan dan beraturan selama 5 menit dengan kecepatan 15-20 putaran/menit.
  7. Setelah dilakukan pengadukan, air diendapkan selama 1-2 jam. Makin lama waktu pengendapan makin jernih air yang diperoleh.
  8. Pisahkan air yang jernih dari endapan. Pemisahan harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati agar endapan tidak naik lagi.
  9. Pada dasar bak pengendapan diberi kran yang dapat dibuka, sehingga endapan dapat dikeluarkan bersama-sama dengan air kotor.
  1. Caranya sangat mudah
  2. Tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan
  3. Dapat menjernihkan air lumpur, maupun air keruh (keputih-putihan, kekuning-kuningan atau ke abu-abuan)
  4. Kualitas air lebih baik : kuman berkurang;  zat organik berkurang sehingga pencemaran kembali berkurang; dan air lebih cepat mendidih
  1. Kelor tidak terdapat disemua daerah
  2. Air hasil penjernihan dengan kelor harus segera digunakan dan tidak dapat disimpan untuk hari berikutnya.
  3. Penjernihan dengan cara ini hanya untuk skala kecil.
Selamat Mencoba !, Apakah anda punya ide baru ? silahkan berikan komentar anda disini !

Khasiat Moringa Oleifera / Kelor

Kelor disebut Moringaoleifera Lamk atau M. pterygosperma Gaertn. Termasuk ke dalam famili Euphorbiaceae. Tanaman ini dikenal dengan nama daerah Marongghi, celor, kawona, motong, barunggai.

Tumbuhan ini kaya dengan berbagai kandungan kimia yang sudah diketahui, a. l:  Biji : Minyak “behen”.   Kulit akar:  Minyak terbang.
Senyawa lain: myrosine, emulsine, alkaloida pahit tidak beracun, vitamin A, B1, B2 dan C.

Dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lain disebutkan bahwa tanaman ini memiliki sifat: Rasaagak pahit, netral, anti inflamasi, antipiretik, antiskorbut dan tidak beracun.

Efek farmakologi dari penggunaan akar, daun dan biji.

Tanaman kelor merupakan perdu dengan tinggi sampai 10 meter, berbatang lunak dan rapuh, dengan daun sebesar ujung jari berbentuk bulat telur dan tersusun majemuk. Tanaman ini berbunga sepanjang tahun berwarna putih, buah besisi segitiga dengan panjang sekitar 30 cm, tumbuh subur mulai dari dataran rendah sampai ketinggian 700 m di atas permukaan laut. Menurut sejarahnya, tanaman kelor atau marongghi (Moringa oleifera), berasal dari kawasan sekitar Himalaya dan India, kemudian menyebar ke kawasan di sekitarnya sampai ke Benua Afrika dan Asia-Barat.

Bahkan, di beberapa negara di Afrika, seperti di Etiopia, Sudan, Madagaskar, Somalia, dan Kenya, sekarang mulai dikembangkan pula di Arab Saudi dan Israel, menjadi bagian untuk program pemulihan tanah kering dan gersang, karena sifat dari tanaman ini mudah tumbuh pada tanah kering ataupun gersang, dan kalau sudah tumbuh maka lahan di sekitarnya akan dapat ditumbuhi oleh tanaman lain yang lebih kecil, sehingga pada akhirnya pertumbuhan tanaman lain akan cepat terjadi.

Walau di Indonesia, khususnya di lingkungan perkampungan dan pedesaan, tanaman kelor baru sampai menjadi tanaman pagar hidup, batas tanah ataupun penjalar tanaman lain, tetapi manfaat dari daun dan karangan bunga serta buah muda sebagai sayuran, sudah sejak lama digunakan.
Sebagai tanaman berkhasiat obat, tanaman kelor mulai dari akar, batang, daun, dan bijinya, sudah dikenal sejak lama di lingkungan pedesaan.

Seperti akarnya, campuran bersama kulit akar pepaya kemudian digiling-dihancurkan, banyak digunakan untuk obat luar (balur) penyakit beri-beri dan sebangsanya. Daunnya ditambah dengan kapur sirih, juga merupakan obat kulit seperti kurap dengan cara digosokkan. Sedangkan sebagai obat dalam, air rebusan akar ampuh untuk obat rematik, epilepsi, antiskorbut, diuretikum, sampai ke obat gonorrhoea. Bahkan, biji tua bersama dengan kulit jeruk dan buah pala, akan dapat menjadi “spiritus moringae compositus” yang digunakan sebagai stimulans, stomachikum, carminativum sampai diuretikum.

Sejak awal tahun 1980-an oleh Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan ITB, biji kelor digunakan untuk penjernihan air permukaan (air kolam, air sungai, air danau sampai ke air sungai) sebagai pengendap (koagulans) dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Oleh karena rangkaian penelitian terhadap manfaat tanaman kelor mulai dari daun, kulit batang, buah sampai bijinya, sejak awal tahun 1980-an telah dimulai. Saat itu fokus penelitian ditujukan kepada program pengadaan air jernih untuk para pemukim di kawasan pantai atau pesisir, khususnya di kawasan transmigrasi yang mengandalkan air payau atau gambut berwarna kecoklatan sebagai sumber air minum.

Rasa air gambut yang pahit dan warna kecoklatan, tentu saja tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai air minum. Bahkan, air gambut yang digunakan untuk mencuci pakaian pun yang berwarna putih justru akan berubah menjadi kecoklatan. Maka dengan sistem penyaringan sederhana ditambah dengan pengendap yang berasal dari serbuk atau tumbukan biji kelor, pada akhirnya akan menjadi air jernih, walau belum bersih. Sehingga untuk air minum harus dilakukan perlakuan, antara lain dimaak terlebih dahulu.

Di lingkungan pedesaan, penanaman kelor yang paling umum cukup dengan cara setekan batang tua atau cukup tua, yang langsung ditancapkan ke dalam tanah, apakah sebagai batas tanah, pagar hidup ataupun batang perambat. Walau semaian biji tua dapat dijadikan bibit, umumnya jarang dipergunakan. Disamping itu, manfaat lain dari batang bersama daun kelor, umumnya digunakan sebagai “alat” untuk melumerkan atau menon-aktifkan “kekuatan magis” seseorang, yaitu dengan cara disapu-sapukan ke bagian muka ataupun dijadikan “alat tidur”, misal seseorang yang tahan terhadap pukulan, bacokan, bahkan tidak mempan oleh terjangan peluru, maka dengan cara disapu-sapukan ke bagian tubuhnya, ataupun dijadikan alas tidurnya, atau ada pula air tanaman kelor disiramkan ke seluruh tubuhnya, maka kekuatan magis tubuhnya akan lumer atau hilang.

Hal yang sama juga kepada orang tua, umumnya pada zaman dulu yang memiliki “ajimat” sehingga kalau mau meninggal akan susah sekali, maka dengan menggunakan tanaman kelor, akan dapat dibantu untuk memudahkan kematiannya tersebut.

Pengalaman di Benua Afrika
Ada sebuah laporan hasil penelitian, kajian dan pengembangan terkait dengan pemanfaatan tanaman kelor untuk penghijauan serta penahan penggurunan di Etiopia, Somalia, dan Kenya oleh tim Jer-man, di dalam berkala Institute for Scientific Cooperation, Tubingen, 1993. Laporan tersebut dikhususkan terhadap kawasan yang termasuk Etiopia, Somalia, dan Sudan, karena sejak lama sudah menjadi tradisi penduduknya untuk menanam pohon kelor, mengingat pohon tersebut dapat menjadi bagian di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai bahan sayuran, bahan baku obat-obatan, juga untuk diperdagangkan.

Seperti di Lembah Rift untuk lahan seluas satu hektar hanya ditanamkan antara 30-50 batang, karena di antara pohon kelor tersebut ditanamkan pula tanaman lainnya penghasil pangan, seperti sorgum, jagung, bahkan tanaman lain untuk sayuran, khususnya kacang-kacangan. Maka, dengan cara ini karena pohon kelor memiliki kemampuan menyerap air tanah walau dari kandungan yang sangat minim hingga tanah menjadi lembab, tanaman lainnya akan ikut menjadi tumbuh subur. Apalagi kalau pohon kelor sudah besar dan tinggi, akan berfungsi pula sebagai pohon lindung ataupun pohon rambatan.

Di kawaan Arba Minch dan Konso, pohon kelor justru digunakan sebagai tanaman untuk penahan longsor, konservasi tanah, dan terasering. Sehingga pada musim hujan walau dalam jumlah yang paling minimal, jatuhan air hujan akan dapat ditahan oleh sistem akar kelor, dan pada musim kemarau “tabungan” air sekitar akar kelor akan menjadi sumber air bagi tanaman lain. Juga karena sistem akar kelor cukup rapat, bencana longsor jarang terjadi. Sama seperti di Lembah Rift, di kawasan ini pun pada lahan di antara pohon kelor dijadikan untuk penanaman banyak jenis tanaman pangan, antara lain jagung dan sorgum, juga sayuran, serta lebih jauhnya lagi untuk tanaman industri seperti kopi, kapas, lada, bahkan tebu. Sangat unik adalah kebiasaan penduduk sekitar Arba Minch yang memiliki lahan terbatas, mulai dari sekitar 0,1 ha atau 1.000 meter persegi, atau hanya ratusan bahkan puluhan meter persegi saja. Sehingga pohon kelor hanya dijadikan pagar hidup, pembatas tanah ataupun pohon perambat sama seperti di Indonesia.

Akan tetapi hasilnya, kalau daunnya dapat langsung digunakan sebagai sayuran, maka bunganya akan tetap dipelihara hingga menjadi buah dan menghasilkan biji yang dapat dijual kepada perusahaan asing yang memerlukan untuk pembuatan tepung atau minyak sebagai bahan baku pembuatan obat dan kosmetik bernilai tinggi.

Salah satu sifat yang menguntungkan untuk membudidayakan pohon kelor yang sudah diketahui sejak lama, yaitu minimnya penggunaan pupuk dan jarang diserang hama (oleh serangga) ataupun penyakit (oleh mikroba). Sehingga biaya untuk pemupukan dan pengontrolan hama dan penyakit relatif sangat murah. Bahkan, dari pengalaman para petani kelor yang sudah lama berkecimpung, diketahui bahwa pemupukan yang baik adalah berasal dari pupuk organik, khususnya berasal dari kacang-kacangan (misal kacang hijau, kacang kedelai ataupun kacang panjang) yang ditanamkan sekitar pohon kelor. Juga pengalaman panjang secara tradisi penggunaan tanaman kelor sebagai bahan berkhasiat obat di kawasan tersebut adalah bahwa akarnya sangat baik untuk pengobatan malaria, mengurangi rasa sakit, penurun tekanan darah tinggi, dan sebagainya, sedang daunnya untuk penurun tekanan darah tinggi, diare, diabetes melitus (kencing manis), dan penyakit jantung.

Perlu untuk diketengahkan manfaat biji kelor yang sudah mulai dikembangkan melalui Program UNDP, yaitu sebagai bahan pengendap/koagulator untuk menjernihkan air secara cepat, murah dan aman, seperti di ITB. Yaitu dengan nilai pH yang berbeda, maka antara 100-150 mg bubuk/serbuk/liter air, memberikan hasil turbiditas tinggi pada air (800-10.000 FTU), kalau dibandingkan dengan koagulan umum seperti Al2(SO4)3 yang baru efektif pada pH 7 saja.

Juga kandungan senyawa yang terdapat pada serbuk biji kelor memiliki sifat antimikroba, khususnya terhadap bakteri. Sehingga kalaupun di dalam air terdapat bakteri Coli (salah satu yang disyaratkan tidak terdapat di dalam air minum), akan tereduksi atau mati. Serta, menurut perhitungan yang sudah diuji coba oleh tim ahli dari UNDP, maka kebutuhan biji kelor untuk pengolahan air minum di kawasan pantai atau rawa, cukup 2-3 pohon dewasa selama setahun dengan keluarga sebanyak 6-8 orang, dengan perhitungan kebutuhan air sekitar 20 l/hari/ jiwa.

Berdasarkan berbagai literatur yang mencatat pengalaman secara turun-temurun dari berbagai negara dan daerah, tanaman ini dapat menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit sebagai berikut : 

1. Beri-beri, udim. Akar kelor, akar pepaya tambah kulit lawang atau cengkeh, digiling, tambah air, peras, saring, minum.   
2. Kurap ‘herpes’, luka bernanah. Daun ditumbuk dengan kapur, balurkan pada kurap.
3. Abortivum. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya.
4. Sariawan. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya.
5. Rematik, nyeri dan pegal linu. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya, atau 2-3 gagang daun kelor dan ½ sendok makan kapur sirih ditumbuk halus dan balurkan ke bagian yang sakit.
6. Histeri. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya.
7. Epilepsi. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya.
8. Sulit buang air kecil. Akar kelor ditambah daun,direbus, saring, minum airnya.
9. Badanlemah, nafsu makan berkurang. Akar kelor direbus, saring, minum airnya.
10.Sakit kuning. Daun kelor 3 – 7 tangkai,1 sendok makan madu dan 1 gelas air kelapa hijau. Daun kelor ditumbuk halus, diberi 1 gelas air kelapa dan disaring. Kemudian ditambah 1 sendok makan madu dan diaduk sampai merata. Minum secara rutin sampai sembuh.
11. Rabun ayan. Tiga tangkai dauin kelor ditumbuk halus, seduh dengan 1 cangkir air masak dan disaring, campurkan dengan madu dan aduk sampai merata. Minum sebelum tidur.
12. Biduren, alergi. Daun kelor 3 gagang, bawang merah 1 siung dan adas pulasari, direbus dengan 3 gelas air mendidih hingga tinggal 2 gelas, kemudian disaring. Minum sehari 2 kali pagi dan sore. 
