
MORINGA (Malunggay Philippines)

This hard-bound book is about one of the most important multi-function plants in the world. Some nutritional experts and scientists are even of the opinion that the Moringa plant is probably the most nutritious food plant ever studied or discovered thus far. The leaves of the Moringa were recently identified by the World Vegetable Center in Taiwan as the vegetable with the highest nutritional content among 120 types of food species studied.

This book is the first hard-bound, full-color, comprehensive reference guidebook on the Moringa plant and the numerous Moringa by-products that are created and marketed worldwide. The book is filled with more than 750 vibrant color photographs and features Moringa-based products from food, cosmetics, medicinal and industrial uses.

Moringa is an inspiring source book of information to plant lovers, researchers, nutritionists, natural scientists, herbologists, naturopaths, entrepreneurs and healthcare workers. Those who are interested in the study and application of beneficial trees and plants will find interesting insights on the nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical uses of the various parts of the Moringa tree. It is envisioned that through this book government policy makers will be encouraged to promote a more creative development of the Moringa industry.

Price: $95.00

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Rare Phantom Miracle Tree 10 Seeds-Moringa-Houseplant

The Phantom Miracle Tree (Moringa oleifera) gets it's name from the fact that when older it forms an enlarged base and can withstand periods of drought by dropping its leaves. When this happens it looks like a "Phantom". Others call it a Miracle Tree because all parts of the plant can be eaten!


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Miracle Tree

The "Miracle Tree" was written by Dr. Monica Marcu, Pharm.D., and Ph.D. as a result of her study of medicinal plants and her definitive research of one of our greatest trees, the Moringa oleifera. This book defines the hundreds of substances such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fats, minerals, specific phytochemicals, each with clear importance and numerous applications in healing and nutrition.


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Moringaceae: Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina (French Edition)

Moringaceae: Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina (French Edition)Les achats comprennent une adhésion à l'essai gratuite au club de livres de l'éditeur, dans lequel vous pouvez choisir parmi plus d'un million d'ouvrages, sans frais. Le livre consiste d'articles Wikipedia sur : Moringa, Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Concanensis, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Arborea, Moringa Stenopetala, Moringa Peregrina, Moringa Ruspoliana, Moringa Ovalifolia, Moringa Rivae, Moringa Longituba, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Borziana, Moringa Pygmaea. Non illustré. Mises à jour gratuites en ligne. Extrait : Moringa oleifera, souvent appelée simplement moringa, est une espèce de petit arbre pouvant mesurer jusqu'à 10 m de la famille des Moringaceae. Elle est originaire du nord de l'Inde et est maintenant acclimatée dans presque toutes les régions tropicales, elle résiste bien à la sécheresse et a une croissance rapide. « Moringa » vient du malayalam muringa (???????). La plupart des langues utilisent un dérivé phonétique de ce mot pour désigner la plante. Ci dessous, il est entendu que le mot moringa se rapporte à l'espèce Moringa oleifera sauf précision contraire. La tradition indienne de l'ayurveda indiquait que les feuilles du Moringa guérissaient plus de 300 maladies. En Inde, le Moringa est une plante vivrière cultivée pour ses fruits, qui sont mangés cuits et exportés frais ou en conserve. Au Sahel, les feuilles de Moringa oleifera sont consommées comme légume et celles de Moringa stenopetala constituent le repas de base du peuple Konso en Éthiopie. Des analyses nutritionnelles ont montré que les feuilles de Moringa oleifera sont plus riches en vitamines, minéraux et protéines que la plupart des légumes. Elles peuvent constituer un aliment complet puisqu'elles contiennent deux fois plus de protéines et de calcium que le lait, autant de potassium que la banane, autant de vitamine A que la carotte, autant de fer que la viande de bœuf ou les lentilles et deux fois plus de vitamine C qu'une orange. Beaucoup de pr...

Price: $14.14

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THE USE OF MORINGA OLEIFERA SEED FOR WATER PURIFICATION: WATER PURIFICATION USING MORINGA OLEIFERAChapters: Almond, Coconut, Phoenix Dactylifera, Justicia Brandegeeana, Apricot, Datura Stramonium, Juglans Regia, Moringa Oleifera, Taxus Baccata, Ziziphus Mauritiana, Bitter Melon, Common Fig, Nerium Oleander, Rhodiola Rosea, Prosopis Cineraria, Phyllanthus Emblica, Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis, Lythrum Salicaria, Echinochloa Crus-Galli, Millettia Pinnata, Echinochloa Colona, Acacia Nilotica, Imperata Cylindrica, Saussurea, Watercress, Cedrus Deodara, Hyoscyamus Niger, Platanus Orientalis, Solanum Dulcamara, Morus Alba, Trema Orientalis, Chir Pine, Borassus Flabellifer, Butea Monosperma, Cestrum Nocturnum, Panicum Antidotale, Toona Ciliata, Dactylis, Cordia Myxa, Galega Officinalis, Althaea Officinalis, Sacred Fig, Commiphora Wightii, Abrus Precatorius, Mallotus Philippensis, Himalayan Balsam, Chilades Trochylus, Rhododendron Ponticum, Dalbergia Sissoo, Capparis Decidua, Abutilon Indicum, Jasminum Sambac, Justicia Adhatoda, Abutilon Theophrasti, Tamarix Aphylla, Vann, Malva Neglecta, Galium Verum, Juniperus Squamata, Lamium Album, Hygrophila Polysperma, Calligonum Polygonoides, Viola Betonicifolia, Convolvulus Arvensis, Pinus Wallichiana, Buddleja Crispa, Melilotus Indicus, Quisqualis Indica, Grewia Asiatica, Hemidesmus Indicus, Cirsium Vulgare, Mock Strawberry, Barleria Cristata, Schrenk's Spruce, Solidago Virgaurea, Phoenix Sylvestris, Taxus Wallichiana, Barringtonia Acutangula, Abies Pindrow, Wildlife of the Indian Subcontinent, Nannorrhops, Ampelocissus Latifolia, Nepeta Discolor, Black Iris, Abelmoschus Manihot, Parapholis Incurva, Morinda Spruce, Eurasian Smoketree, Abelia X Grandiflora, Eragrostis Amabilis, Phalaris Minor, Bidens Tripartita, Thlaspi Arvense, Utricularia Aurea, Wood Small-Reed, Leycesteria Formosa, Crateva Religiosa, Juniperus Indica, Glaux, Leptadenia Pyrotechnica, Grewia Villosa, Anogeissus Latifolia, Nymphoides Cristata, Balanites Roxburghii, Lithospermum Arvense, Strobilanthes Wallichii, Morus Serrata,...More:

Price: $84.00

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Moringa oleifera - Versatile 'MIRACLE TREE' 50 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds.This item is a special hobby grower's packet of fifty (50) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $3.95 postage & handling.


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Moringa oleifera - Collector's Packet 100 seeds

Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera. Common names: Drumstick Tree or Horseradish Tree. This fast growing tropical tree is a true multi-purpose tree; it is cultivated for its leaves, fruits, flowers and roots which is used for a variety of medicinal and nutritional purposes. It is also grown as an ornamental landscape plant. Native to India but it is cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. The edible leaves are a highly nutritious vegetable and can be cooked like spinach. The immature seed pods can be used as a green vegetable. The seeds are sometimes removed from more mature pods and eaten like peas or roasted like nuts. The flowers are edible when cooked, and are reportedly taste like mushrooms. The tree's bark, roots, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum are also used medicinally in many countries. Easy to grow from seeds. This item is a special plant collector's packet of one hundred (100) Moringa oleifera seeds, to be delivered upon receipt of payment. Note that the buyer pays $4.95 postage & handling.


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Moringa: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Arborea

Moringa: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa ArboreaChapters: Moringa Oleifera, Moringa Hildebrandtii, Moringa Drouhardii, Moringa Arborea. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 27. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher's book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: Moringa oleifera, commonly referred to simply as "Moringa" (from Tamil: Murungai( ) and Malayalam: Murunggi), is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. It is an exceptionally nutritious vegetable tree with a variety of potential uses. The tree itself is rather slender, with drooping branches that grow to approximately 10 m in height. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1 meter or less and allowed to regrow so that pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated. Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is considered one of the worlds most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics, it is used as forage for livestock, and in many countries, Moringa is used as a micronutrient powder to treat diseases. A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable landcare. The immature green pods called drumsticks are prob...More:

Price: $14.14

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Anti-fungal activity of crude extracts and essential oil of Moringa oleifera Lam [An article from: Bioresource Technology]

Anti-fungal activity of crude extracts and essential oil of Moringa oleifera Lam [An article from: Bioresource Technology]This digital document is a journal article from Bioresource Technology, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Investigations were carried out to evaluate the therapeutic properties of the seeds and leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam as herbal medicines. Ethanol extracts showed anti-fungal activities in vitro against dermatophytes such as Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, and Microsporum canis. GC-MS analysis of the chemical composition of the essential oil from leaves showed a total of 44 compounds. Isolated extracts could be of use for the future development of anti-skin disease agents.

Price: $4.95

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